Inbound marketing and digital strategy for an effective Marketing & Sales machinery.

Cases Studies inbound marketing

A small CDMO in biologics' early development improves its customers' experience and increases its sales performance by implementing well-designed Inbound Marketing and Digital Strategy in its operations.

Our client needed to improve its notoriety and visibility substantially as its market segment was more and more competitive. They came to us to develop and implement an efficient Marketing machinery that could boost their number of qualified leads and create value for their company.

During the first diagnostic of our client's Marketing Operations, we realized they were mostly focusing their effort on untargeted outbound marketing like exhibition attendance, mass mailing and cold calling.

However, in this new era of digitalization, customers are no longer waiting for the sales representative's call, email or for the next exhibition to make a strategic decision. They are now often chasing their future partners on digital platforms. The most effective way to win the customer race today is to arouse client's curiosity by feeding digital channels with compelling content.

In a 5-months timeframe, Larka developed the entire digital strategy and inbound marketing of its client.

During the first months, our marketing specialists performed a Research Marketing study on the company, its customers and its competitors based on a large number of interviews and on our proprietary business intelligence platform.

We defined our client's target audience and performed interviews with customers and prospects to collect insights on their needs, their purchasing journey and key selection criteria. We collected information on our client's competitors, their positioning and their marketing activity. Finally we gathered data on the company itself through discussions with employees and management to get internal perspective on its competitive advantages, corporate culture and values.

With all this data in hand, our team prepared the perfect marketing recipe to arouse targeted customers' interest and drag them to spontaneously engage discussions with our client's sales representatives.

We proposed guidelines on which contents should be shared, in which forms - posts, articles, videos, interviews, brochures, webinars, scientific publications etc -, at which frequency and on which digital channels - social media, website, online magazine etc. Our content suggestions were tailored to our client's values and corporate culture, emphasizing its key competitive advantages while answering the very needs of the target audience and outshining competition.

Once implemented, our marketing plan quickly paid off. The number of qualified incoming leads increased significantly in record time and the company's visibility on social media and search engine jumped. With our proprietary algorithms for the SERP - Search Engine Results Pages - analysis, we were able to observe our client's ranking progression on Google thanks to the inbound marketing implementation.

One more time, Inbound marketing and digital strategy proved their importance for an effective Marketing & Sales machinery and Larka proved its relevance in Marketing missions for the Biotech and Pharma industry.